Lush Big Shampoo and Conditioner
After hearing really positive reviews about this, I decided to take the plunge into Lush hair care. As I have a lot of hair, it is very heavy and can sometimes look a bit flat, so I was in the mood for something that would give a bit of lift at the roots. The fact that this contains chunks of sea salt sold me, because I love the way my hair looks when I get out of the sea, but sea spray never works for me. This actually has the same effect, but without the horrible texture, so my hair is wavy, volumised and soft. I was intimidated by the solid conditioner (not photographed) at first, as I wasn't sure on how to use it. I tend to rip a bit off, smush it in my hands and then rub it into the ends of my hair, making sure I leave it for a couple of minutes. It isn't the most moisturising of conditioners, although it does leave my hair feeling nice and soft, so I do make sure to use a hair mask every week. These also smell incredible. I am rubbish at describing scents, but I'd describe these two products as having a very exotic smell. According to Lush, they include coconut, lemons, limes, mandarin, orange, neroli and vanilla. The smell does last well on the hair, I wash my hair every other day and I could still smell the fragrance then! They are quite expensive products, but you really don't need to use much, especially the shampoo, which creates a wonderful lather.