Saturday, 29 June 2013

Topshop Lost in Time Palette: Review

This is one of the palettes from the Topshop Make up concession. It contains a number of shimmery colours and two mattes. It costs £16 for 8g of product and 8 shades. I decided to get this because I only really had neutral and dark, smoky shades and I wanted to play around with some different colours.

One of the looks I created with the blue shades and the gold

Friday, 28 June 2013

Faux Cils Papillon de L'Oréal: Revue [FRANÇAIS]

Le nouveau mascara de L’Oréal. Ça coute 16.99€ en France 

Review: L'Oréal False Lash Wings/ Flutter

I bought this product in duty free and it was called L’Oréal False Lash Wings, but in Boots in the UK I noticed it was called L’Oréal False Lash Flutter, just something to note. This retails for £10.99 in the UK.

The Packaging

The packaging is certainly eye-catching, with a chunky, silver bottle and blue (for waterproof) or black lines. I can’t really say I like it, I think it looks and feels a bit cheap, tacky and plastic. I have only had this mascara for a few weeks and the blue lines have already started to become chipped, in fact a little pressure from a fingernail is enough to chip the paint. I’m not impressed on this front!

The Brush

According to L’Oréal this mascara uses a “double winged butterfly brush together with Cocoon fibres lengthen the look of lashes towards the outer eye”. The brush is certainly unique; it’s a synthetic brush, which fans out towards the end to give the eyelashes a winged out effect. I’ve read some people complain that the brush is hard to use. I didn’t really think so; I turn it so it is at an angle, the top facing towards my lashes and then brush up from the bottom. I then use the un-winged end to do my bottom lashes, as the bristles aren’t very big on that side, which makes them very useful for bottom lashes.

The Product

First coat

Second Coat

This mascara gives a decent amount of length and a bit of volume. It’s buildable to about two coats and then the lashes start to look like spiders’ legs. I’d say it’s nice daytime mascara as the lashes look pretty with a simple eye, but they would probably get lost in a dramatic night-time look. The mascara does not fan out the lashes as much as I'd expected, but it does a bit. I feel like I get a better winged out effect depending on my technique, so I think the brush is a bit of a gimmick.

I bought this in the waterproof formula and I think it works well. My eyes water quite a lot and I wore this on holiday and it didn’t budge. I’ve also had a shower with this on and it didn’t run at all. It flakes ever so slightly; it’s nothing major, just a few speckles after 6+ hours of wear.

The Verdict

This is a nice mascara; I like it as day mascara as it isn’t very volumising at all. It looks really nice without any other eye makeup, where some others I think look a bit silly without eyeliner. I think the brush is ok, but it isn’t necessary for creating a winged look, I think technique is more important for that. The waterproof formula works well, but it’s a pain to get off! The only real let down is packaging; it just doesn’t look like a £11 mascara.

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Friday, 21 June 2013

Rouge Coco Shine de Chanel : Pygmalion [FRANÇAIS]


J’ai déjà passé en revue le Rouge Coco Shine de Chanel en anglais, mais j’apprends le français à l’université, don j’ai décidé de faire ce blog de façon bi lange pour que je puisse améliorer l’écriture en français et pour que les gens francophones puissent lire ce blog aussi.

Pour commencer, j’ai acheté le nuance «Pygmalion» de ce rouge à lèvres, qui est une édition limitée de la collection L’été papillon de Chanel. Cette collection est très belle ! C’était inspiré par les ailes d’un papillon et elle compte les nuances de bleu et de corail avec quelques couleurs métalliques aussi. Selon le communiqué de presse :

« Des aplats de couleurs, posés sur les ailes de papillon ou les paupières, et combinés à l’infini. Le mouvement irrépressible des fards, qui s’envolent au coin de l’œil, pour accentuer la grâce du regard. Le maquillage lui-même, création éphémère, inspiration du matin que la nuit efface. Comme ces papillons enchanteurs d’un jour, remplacés par d’autres le lendemain, plus merveilleux encore. Et ne dit-on pas que les cils papillonnent, quand l’émotion accélère leurs battements, comme ceux du cœur ? Accrochées aux ailes des papillons, toutes les couleurs traversent l’azur d’un ciel d’été. Peter Philips, Directeur de la Création Maquillage de CHANEL, une mise en beauté poétique, où se mêlent toute l’énergie, choisit les plus éclatantes, et compose la fantaisie et la légèreté de la belle saison. »

La collection compte des gloss pour es lèvres, des rouges à lèvre, des stylos d’ombre à paupières, des vernis à l’ongles, des mascaras, une palette d’ombres à paupières et un eye- liner imperméable de bleue cobalt. J’ai acheté le rouge à lèvre Rouge Coco Shine du nuance « Pygmalion », qui est une couleur comme une pastèque – c’est parfait pour l’été. Ça coute 30,50€ en France – un peu cher ! Je n’ai jamais payé autant d’argent pour un rouge à lèvres, mais c’était un plaisir.

Le Produit

Les Rouge Coco Shines sont les rouges à lèvres translucides et hydratants. Ils comptent quelques ingrédients émollients et sentissent comme un baume sur les lèvres. Selon Chanel,  les Rouge Coco Shines hydratent les lèvres pendant huit heures grâce au « complexe Hydratendre ». Je n’ai pas pu trouver des infos sure ce complexe, donc, je ne suis pas sure ce qu’il est ou comment il fonctionne, mais les l`lèvres sentissent très douce après l’utilisation.

Je cherchais un produit comme ceci pendant une éternité, et malgré il viens de la collection d’été, je pense qu’il est très portable tout au long de l’année. Je trouve qu’il avive le visage, même sans porter plus de maquillage d’autre. Á cause du style des rouges à lèvres hydrants, ils ne restent pas longtemps sur les lèvres, mais ce produit reste pendant deux heures et demie ; je pense que c’est assez bien. En plus, quand l’éclat brillant a passé, la couleur restait sur les lèvres comme une teinte.

Quelques autres infos : ce produit à un parfum floral, mais ce n’est pas intense et il disparait après l’application. Il compte aussi 
un peu de dioxyde de titane (utilisé pour la crème solaire), mais
 l’IP n’est pas indiqué sur l’emballage.

Le Verdict 

J’aime bien ce produit et je ne regrette pas je le fait qu’il coûte 30,50€. L’emballage et l’apparence du produit justifient le prix de façon partielle, mais le produit est aussi fantastique. J’adore cette couleur, mais il y en a plus disponible (quelques sont plus pigmentés que les autres). L’application est facile, le look est beau et naturel et le visage semble plus illuminé. Il fonctionne bien comme un baume, mais je ne l’utiliserais pas comme mon baume favori – il y a les baumes meilleures. Cependant, l’apparence, la sensation et la finition sont merveilleuses.

**Je sais que la grammaire dans cette revue n’est pas parfaite, mais j’espère qu’il est compréhensible ! N’hésitez pas de faire les commentaires sur la grammaire et le style de l’écriture ici, je pense que ce sera bénéfique à tous parce que je peux améliorer le français et vous pouvez lire un meilleur blog !**



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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Chanel Rouge Coco Shine: Pygmalion

Hello Everyone!

This is my very first blog post, even though I have been entertaining the idea of starting a beauty blog for a while. I have just got back from holiday and bought some things in Duty Free, so I thought this was the perfect timeto start this blog.

This post will be a review of Chanel's Rouge Coco Shine lipstick. I bought the colour Pygmalion which is a limited edition from the L'été Papillon de Chanel summer 2013 collection. First off, I want to say that the collection is absolutely gorgeous. It was inspired by the wings of a butterfly and includes blue and coral hues with a couple of metallics thrown in. Here's what the press release says.

"The dazzling colours of butterfly wings inspire a joyful look for Summer, with the enchanting collection L´été Papillon de Chanel. Creative Director of Chanel Makeup Peter Philips envisions electric shades of gold, pink and platinum to set eyelids aglow, with lashes fluttering in whimsical aqua, lime and blue hues. Crisp peach and bright raspberry grace the lips, while nails finish the fleeting mood in glimmering shades of intense coral, deep blue green and heavenly blue."
The collection includes a number of shades of lipglosses, lipsticks, eyeshadow stylos, nail varnishes, mascaras, an eyeshadow quad, and one cobalt blue waterproof mascara. I decided to get the Rouge Coco Shine lipstick in Pygmalion which is a bright watermelon: perfect for summer. It retails at £24 in the UK, which is expensive; I've never paid so much for a lipstick before, but sometimes it's nice to treat yourself! 

The Product:

Rouge Coco Shines are sheer lipsticks with moisturising properties. They contain a number of emollients and feel like a balm upon application. Chanel claims that the Rouge Coco Shine lipsticks hydrate for up to 8 hours thanks to the "Hydratender Complex". I couldn't find any information on what this is exactly, or the science behind it, but my lips certainly felt softer after use.

I've been looking for a product like this for ages. In spite of it being from the summer collection, I feel that this shade is very wearable all year round. It is one of those products that brightens up the face, even if your aren't wearing any other make up. Due to the nature of moisturising lipsticks, the staying power is nowhere near that of a matte formula. However, I found that the staying formula of this product is quite good: it lasted for about 2.5 hours until I felt that it needed to be touched up. Furthermore, even when the glossy sheen had faded, the colour was left on my lips like a stain,

Another couple of things to note: this product has a light floral scent, but it is not offensive and it disappears quickly. It also contains a small amount of titanium dioxide (used in sunscreen), but there is no SPF indicated on the packaging.

The Verdict: 

I really like this product and I do not regret paying over £20 on a lipstick. The packaging and appearance of it partially justify the ludicrous price tag, but it is a good product. I absolutely love this shade, but there are lots more available in the permanent collection (I swatched a few and some were more pigmented than others). It is easy to apply and looks lovely and natural on the lips. I feel like it makes my face look brighter and more awake. It is quite good as a balm, but I probably wouldn't use this as my go to lip balm because I believe that there are other, better products for that purpose. However, the look, feel and finish of this are just wonderful.


It isn't as sparkly as this image suggests, more of a shine.


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